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Macy Dunn

O: 8889881907 M: 5802226399

How Real Estate Gets Dunn

I am a Real Estate professional in the Souther Oklahoma area. Where I am known for my outstanding client service, 24/7 availability, marketing techniques, personal touches, and always placing my client's needs before my own. I will provide you with the most professional, ethical, and informed services for buyers, and sellers, utilizing time, effort, and resources to successfully fulfill your Real Estate needs. My main goal is to provide each and every client a personalized and unique approach to their Real Estate needs. With every client, I make a relationship that is for a lifetime, not just for a transaction. I believe in the American dream, and love to help other families achieve their goals through home ownership.

Macy Dunn
Sales Associate, Realtor
Office: 8889881907
Mobile: 5802226399
1907 Realty
1007 Hwy 70E, Ste A
Kingston OK 73439

Contact Me Now
